17 March 2010

The Year So Far

So far my year has been a little rough. I mean, it's always hard to go back to work after the Christmas holidays, especially when you play really hard for a whole week in Utah. But this year is definitely making an impression on me. And not a good one. Mostly because my medical trauma from 2008 decided to repeat itself. So, once again I was hauled off to the emergency room for life-saving surgery due to a ruptured ectopic pregnancy. Happily (I think) I don't actually remember my days in the ICU and in the hospital following surgery - I hear I was pretty out of it.
As I came back to myself at mom's house (the doctor told her to take me home and get me some real rest because you cannot rest in a hospital), then I had this funny charliehorse in my left calf. Hmmm...I told mom about it and after two days we went back to the ER to get it checked out.
Driving back to the same ER was not fun. They put me in room 15 (instead of 13 like I'd had a week before). The ER nurse who put in my IV recognized me from my previous visit too. We hoped it would turn out to be nothing, but after some ultrasounds and my first CAT scan (which was cool from my engineering background standpoint), we found out I had blood clots. Technical terms I believe were deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolisms. Yes, plural meaning there were (and still are) multiple blood clots on both sides of my lungs.
So back to staying at the hospital for me. First a day of bed rest (UGH!), then light activity (yay, I could walk across my room and back), and then building up from there as the blood thinners took effect.
Happily I reacted very well to the medications so the doctor could let me go home earlier than he expected. Also happily, my sister came up and made this second hospital visit much easier than it would've been. Also happily, my husband and brother and mom all live around here and take turns babysitting me. Also happily, I've seen so much love and support from what feels like the entire world. One nurse commented to me that "you have so many visitors!" Also happily, my doctor decided I should have a full 6 week leave from work to recover from the multiple traumas. Also happily, we are hitting full springtime up here, with the crocuses just finishing up, the daffodils in full bloom, and the trees starting to bloom all over. Also happily, there is a nifty Anti-Coagulation Clinic with pharmicists who I really like who manage my continuing treatment. Also happily, I've had more time to read - both scriptures and for fun. Also happily, I've re-discovered the exciting world of dot-to-dots (for those who think these are just for kids ... try one with over 1300 dots!). Also happily, mom is able to take care of me during the days while Dan works, so I can get to all my appointments. Also happily, I went to my first social outing last night since the surgery - a soup potluck with a scrumptious cheesy soup and an even more scrumptious pumpkin soup that could honestly be served as dessert. Also happily, my bruises from the fragmin (heparin) shots are starting to fade a little. Also happily, I'm done with IV's for a while. Also happily, the blood clots don't seem to be causing me pain or some of the other yucky symptoms possible. Also happily, my little brother likes taking me on walks, even at my turtle-pace. Also happily, I now own both a cane and a walker, so I'm ready for the future. Also happily, I got to video chat with my niece this week. Also happily, I still have time to finish our taxes. Also happily, I have great new cute pajamas.