16 December 2010

I Love Friends

Not the TV show. Well, not that I hate the TV show, but I just mean that I really love and appreciate friends. I'm just in a sentimental mood today. So, here are some things I love about my friends.

They sympathize when times are tough
But they won't let me feel sorry for myself for too long
And they remind me of my blessings
They celebrate when things are good
They help when I'm stuck in a hard spot
It feels good when I get to help them too
They love me even when they see my faults
They love me even when it's been a long time since we talked
I know I can find someone to talk to whenever I need
They include me in fun activities
And instead of feeling awkward because I don't have kids
Those with kids are happy to share
Even when we don't like the same things, we still like each other
They make the extra effort to stay friends even when we all move apart
They remember funny things about myself that I forget
Like the time we held races on the streets of Seattle late at night
And for some reason I started doing pushups
Or like the time ... any of the times ... that we just laughed hysterically
Until the tears were pouring from our eyes
I know they think about me
And I think about them
And they pray for me
And I pray for them
And somehow growing older and doing new things is a lot less scary
Because my friends are doing them too

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Aww, thanks Julie! Or the time we took yearbook photos on that buffalo statue. Not because we thought we'd actually make it into the book, but it made it anyway.