20 October 2011

Dear Driver

Dear Driver of the Dark Red Beretta,

I want to let you know that I really appreciate your consideration this morning. I watched you down the road from a half mile away, resisting the urge to speed to make sure I could go through the light with you, but you were kind enough to pull into the crosswalk to make sure the light wouldn't turn green before I got there. How did you know I love to get to trigger the sensors myself?

Also, I am grateful for how you quickly pulled away from me after we rounded the corner so that I wouldn't have to worry about driving close to someone who quite possibly didn't know where cars should go as opposed to pedestrians.

I did have a nervous moment when I saw you turn into the little road that goes to my work, but fortunately you reassured me by pulling a 9-point completely illegal u-turn about 10 yards down the street while I waited to turn after you. I'm so glad that you evidently don't work anywhere near me.

Thanks for making my morning so much fun!

Your Road-Neighbor,

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