12 November 2008

Tagged! Crazy 8s

Thanks 'sposita! It's perfect timing because I haven't had a lot of ideas of things I want to write about lately.

8 things I'm obsessed with right now:
1. The unknown gender of my sister-in-law's child due in March
2. My next day off of work (Thanksgiving)
3. Playing on the piano that showed up in October
4. Apples
5. Slipper socks (with grip on the bottom)
6. Christmas gifts - I've only figured out two :(
7. Inefficiencies at work
8. The unknown gender of my sister-in-law's child due in March (mentioning this twice means I'm really obsessed, right?)

8 words or phrases I use daily:
1. I'm here
2. Do you want to ... ? (... = make the bed, vacuum, etc.)
3. Just a comment / Just a question
4. Morning
5. Anything exciting happening?
6. Oh gosh
7. That's ridiculously ... (... = adjective)
8. Seriously

8 T.V. shows I love to watch:
2. Life
3. Bones
4. CSI
5. Pushing Daisies
6. Big Bang Theory
7. Numbers
8. sports (especially tennis or football)

8 Things I did yesterday:
1. Joined a telecon
2. Copied and pasted from one Excel spreadsheet to another
3. Edited objects in a database
4. Embroidery
5. Reading
6. Lots of email
7. Watched Bones
8. Made toast in the oven

8 of my favorite places to eat:
1. Mediterranean Kitchen
2. Red Robin
3. Ruth's Chris Steakhouse
4. Mom's house
5. Pike Place Market
6. Ladies night fondue parties
7. Marrakesh
8. Costco samples

8 Things I'm looking forward to:
1. This weekend
2. Next weekend (sense a theme here?)
3. Thanksgiving
4. Christmas
5. Summer
6. March (with a new niece/nephew)
7. Vacation in winter
8. The phone call from the library saying my books on hold are ready for pickup

8 Things on my wish list:
1. Kids
2. The room with boxes in it to magically be clean
3. Massage
4. More piano music
5. Camping equipment
6. Jelly roll pans
7. A comfortable way to wear badges at work
8. A bike

8 People I tag:
1. I
2. don't
3. think
4. 8
5. people
6. read
7. this
8. blog.
But feel free to do this anyway for those who do. :)


valaasb said...

First! I'll think & send it to you later.

aubreyannie said...

soooooooo, when does she find out?

and i think pushing daisies is gone for good. :(

Unknown said...

I like the pic of the poppies :)

Sarah M said...

I read your blog! But since I don't really have my own blog, I'm going to opt out of the crazy 8s. When our website is done being fixed/updated, I will send you a link so you can see our pictures!