24 June 2010

Peas Please - Food Box Week 2

Two bunches of beets, two heads of spotted funny-looking baby lettuce we may or may not eat [update: the spots turned out to be red spots and it tasted great.], one bag of snow peas, two bags of peas for shelling, one bunch of carrots, and one bag of fava beans.

We're not even completely through last week's box - I need to use more spring onions and garlic, plus we still have lettuce left and a couple tiny turnips and a radish and a carrot. I think I may cook a stir fry tomorrow with the onions, some garlic, and snow peas. And maybe the fava beans too. And some kind of meat probably too - but I'm focused on those veggies.

I was impressed that they changed the food options a lot between week 1 and week 2. I guess that makes sense, if they use up a lot of things one week then they may not have the same things available the next week. But they have a large number of things to choose from, which makes each week fun. Maybe I'll even try the wheat berries someday. I'd like it if the radishes came back too - they were really good.


Maria Draper said...

YUMMM! I have never heard of a Veggie box where you get to pick your veggies. It looks really good.

JennyW said...

I'm totally thinking of doing something similar with a local farm. Maybe we can come up with recipes for odd veggies together ... :)

JennyW said...

I'm totally thinking of doing something similar with a local farm. Maybe we can come up with recipes for odd veggies together ... :)