20 June 2010

Being Adventurous - Food Box Week 1

I've always liked the idea of signing up for a local food box - perhaps because I somehow got on a mailing list about CSA (Community Supported Agriculture). This year I did it. I signed up.

And waited.

And waited.

And now it is officially the start of the summer food box season! The box I signed up for lets me actually choose what goes into it each week. And there were lots of choices. Since I'm not supposed to get too much vitamin K right now (just until September) I will be branching out and trying some new things.

This week my box held this:

See if you can find all 8 veggies - the red lettuce, Bibb lettuce, chives, spring onions, fresh garlic, turnips, easter egg radishes, and carrots. Tonight we're having some kind of yummy salad with dinner!

For next week, I have new choices, like snow peas, beets, and peas that you have to shell to eat. Along with many types of greens, spices, and wheat berries. I'm excited!


valaasb said...

Fresh shelled peas are yummy, that's my vote for you! Enjoy your produce, I might have to since up for a box once we're back in Madison as I know someone who did it this year.

aubreyannie said...

i want to hear more about this. how much it cost, if you like it, if you'll do it again. etc. please, more details!!