19 November 2010

Cutest Boy Ever!

I fell in love last week. Total, complete adoration. Something about those hugs and snuggles ... but Dan doesn't mind, because the little guy is his nephew too.

Part of me missed Dan and missed home, but the rest of me wished I could stay longer. Between getting the 5-year old off to kindergarten in the morning, running errands for my sister, cleaning house (a little bit at least), changing diapers, spending every afternoon on a special activity out of the house (so mommy and baby could have a little more peace), staying up every evening watching hulu with my sister, and carrying the not-so-tiny baby around with me just because I didn't want to put him down; well, I'm happily exhausted.


Sarah M said...

Awww, how great to spend time with your sister and her family. Congratulations on the arrival of your nephew!

MarieC said...

What fun!! Pictures??

valaasb said...

Hurray! Sounds like a terrific visit, can't wait to hear more about it in person on Friday!