21 November 2010


He really liked sitting on my stomach - it was easy to bounce him one-handed this way, and I could use the computer at the same time.

We spent a lot of time gazing into each other's eyes

He just smells so good (when his diaper is clean).

Baby Kisses!

More Baby Kisses!

Everyone loves him.

We girls played a lot - going to the park, museum, swimming pool, grocery store, school, and library. Mommy and baby had some nice peaceful afternoons, and we had lots of fun!

His big sister told mommy to give him a toy in the carseat. Mommy didn't think he needed one, but then he started playing with them.

Yawn! So much fun is tiring.


MarieC said...

He's darling! And, I can't believe Big Sister is 5. Wow!

Zanne said...

Adorable! Love the baby kisses!

valaasb said...

Thank you for the photos! He looks like his daddy. I like all the photos, but especially more baby kisses and Lucy holding him.