16 February 2012

5 in 4 years

I feel like I've already written this post before. Hmmm...let me think. Was it this one, or was it this one, or was it this one, or maybe it was this past summer when I guess I forgot to even post about my last summons?

Yep, I'm summoned AGAIN. And yes, that is me shouting as I type. At least, I'm shouting in my head - it would probably cause a problem if I shouted at the office.

But I digress.

They keep alternating between city jury summons and county jury summons - this is my third county one. This time I am going to use the opportunity they give you to postpone it once for up to a year. Because if I don't, I'll just get one next April.


MarieC said...

UGH, seriously??? I wonder why you get called so often?

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