10 April 2008

I'm Scared of the Dark

It feels a little childish to say it like that. It's just that I hear every sound as an intruder, I see every shadow as a place for things to be hiding, and I lay awake at night hoping I don't have to get back up for anything until the sun comes in through the window in the morning. Crossing the street to get the mail is an exercise of willpower. Fumbling with the keys at the front door, I stare into the bushes hoping that rustling is just the neighbor's cat. And being home alone, I check the closet and shut the door before turning out the light. Goodnight.

1 comment:

aubreyannie said...

oh my gosh. i totally relate. when we moved over to the ghetto caribbean from fancy courtyard off main with security guards and secure entrances and garages i was terrified out of my mind. and then a couple of times when paul was out of town, i hated it. try laying in the dark when you can't see ANYTHING because you're blind and don't have your contacts in. it just about convinced me to get that cornea transplant so i could see in the middle of the night. scary. i'm sorry, julie. ((hugs))