01 May 2008

Walks, Part 4

Shhhh. If you're quiet now I can take you with me for a walk today. Where? Oh, just a walk around the parking lot. Maybe, if we're very quiet, we'll see a bunny.

Look - over there! It's so cute. I think it's eating lunch.

Oh - I think it noticed us.

There it goes - a quick dash into the brush along the riverbank. I think that's where they live. It won't come back out as long as we're standing here. We might as well keep going. The path goes on for almost a mile - there will be more to see.

Huh? Where?

Oh, I see it now. Wow - they really blend in when they freeze like that. Sometimes I don't even notice them until I'm within a few yards, and then they just dash faster than thought into the safety of those thorny branches.

There's things to see if you look up too.

So how was your morning? Oh good - mine was fine. I look forward to lunchtime though, when I can get away. It's fun to watch out for all the animals that live around here. Sometimes I think they watch me too.

Other times I can tell they're hoping I won't notice them.

Oh - look there - this one's not as shy as some of the others.

Well, it's time to turn around and head back - I can't take too long on my break. Oh - good eyes! Let's see how close he'll let us come.

How many bunnies are there? Hmmm... I'm not sure. I usually see five or six along the stretch by the river, and sometimes I see two at once. No, they're not all the same one - several of them look quite different.

It's okay to talk a little louder now - we're back near the buildings, and the bunnies don't usually come down he-oh! Did you see that? Where'd it go? I think it ran the wrong way - now it's trapped. Oh, that poor bunny.

I guess we should continue on - maybe it will come back out when we're gone. There's one more thing I want to show you. For a couple of weeks, I keep seeing an eagle in the trees. I looked in all the trees up and down the river, but I couldn't find a nest. Then one day, as I was getting in my car, I found this.

Thanks for coming with me. I hope you had fun; I get to do this almost every day.


Unknown said...

That was so awesome Julie, what a great idea!! I might steal the idea for one of my blogs lol!

JennyW said...

Julie, that's so cool! Do you always carry your camera with you when you walk, or was this all from one single walk?

PS Miss you!

Julie C said...

I took my camera for a week or so to get the bunnies, the bird nest, the car, and the airplanes. I typically see anywhere from 5-15 bunnies in one walk, but most of them won't let you get that close. Yesterday there were three all eating together, and one of them was a baby/adolescent!