21 June 2008

Perfect Day

As I ran out the door to run an early-morning errand yesterday, I called back a little flippantly, "You could find out what the traditional gift is for a sixth anniversary." I hurried through my errand and came home to find him sitting at the computer. "Sweets," he said "or iron."

Sweets? As in sugar? Yep! I think I like the sixth anniversary. Can we repeat this one?

We took off around noon and kayaked for two and a half hours. We went up and down the Mercer Slough, even exploring the side loop. This was a little adventurous in our inflatable kayak because there were branches along the edges of the slough. A couple of times we had to skirt the lily pads pretty closely. Once or twice a floating bit of wood bumped and thumped under our plastic hull. At first we saw, well, the freeway. Then we saw other kayakers and canoers. There were lots of ducks. And turtles everywhere! There would be four or five turtles on a log, and then all but one of them would slip off splish! into the water. But one turtle always stayed on the log to watch us going by. We even saw a blue heron, from about 5 yards away (before he noticed us staring and flew up right in front of us).

A bit tuckered out, we packed up the kayak, took it home, cleaned it off in the backyard, showered, and left for dinner at the Olive Garden. Mmmmmm. Then we bought a few supplies and came home to make homemade chocolate fondue. After a mild moment of panic when I couldn't find the fondue forks (why did I put them in the box with the parchment paper? probably because they are so sharp I didn't want them in the drawers I'm always grabbing things out of) - anyways, after I found the forks, everything went smoothly. And deliciously. Chocolate fondue, with bananas and strawberries and pretzels and lemon biscotti and caramels and marshmallows, while watching the latest of the Harry Potter movies.


MarieC said...

HAPPY anniversary!

JennyW said...

So jealous! That sounds lovely :)

Unknown said...

That sounds like a great day!! Yay! Happy Anniversary!! MMMmmm yummy fondue :)

aubreyannie said...

that sounds like a lovely way to spend your anniversary..sorry i have your double boiler. :( am i in trouble?

Julie C said...

No trouble - the fondue cooked up really well in just a think pot. :)

valaasb said...

Sounds lovely- my second is coming up which is cotton. I'd be happy with a new shirt :).