08 December 2008

We Went

We went on a date this weekend. Well, two if you're like my husband who wants separate credit for each activity that day. First we headed over to the Seattle Center IMAX theater with my brother- and sister-in-law where we watched Madagascar2 on the ginormous screen. Good movie, good company, good fun.

Then we changed and headed back to the Seattle Center to watch the Pacific Northwest Ballet's production of the Nutcracker. I'm not sure when the last date was that I had to dress up for! I was a bit nervous that ballet would not appeal to my other half. Okay, more than a bit nervous. The Nutcracker has a special place in my heart and memories: we went as a family to see it several times when I was growing up, and some years we even had some (very talented) friends performing with the PNB! So I was relieved to hear a mostly positive response afterwards. He did find it funny that most of the familiar music is in the second half. I think this is funny too, because most of the plot that I think of as the Nutcracker story occurs in the first act. The only complaint I heard was that I dragged him away from the food because we needed to go get in our seats (and we really were cutting it very close - within +/- 30 seconds and actually on the minus side of that. Happily many others were in the same situation.

P.S. No, I didn't take any pictures in the theater - that is usually discouraged. I just found some pictures online to use for this post.


aubreyannie said...

hey! we went to the children's museum with rachel and her cutie kids today and she told me how great the nutcracker was and the yummy food they served you guys beforehand. it made me jealous and wish paul's company would do something fancy for a holiday party.

valaasb said...

Sounds like a wonderful time! Do they still have that special effect where the tree gets bigger and bigger? My dad told me once when we went that it was designed by Boeing engineers (the mechanism, not the artwork).

Julie C said...

Yes, they even mention the famous tree in the advertisements. It's pretty fun to watch it stretch and grow.