05 December 2008

Now I Know

To all those who hated it when I sometimes cracked my knuckles, you will no longer be hearing this sound from me. Ever. Now that the back of my hand is swollen up, now that the ice pack actually hurts instead of relieving pain, and now that the doctor put me on prescription arthritis relief gel to try and get the inflammation down ... now I know that it is possible to sprain the base of your finger by cracking your knuckles. And I completely did this to myself. Yes, I am feeling pretty foolish. I would use stronger words than foolish, but what's the point? You all can probably picture how I feel. It didn't help that almost a week after the original injury I tried to pack some boxes into the recycle bin and felt something pop when I tightened my grip on the box-cutter. I finally gave in and saw the doctor the next day.


valaasb said...

OUCH!! Hope you're feeling better! Didn't quite catch: do you have arthritis in addition, or are you just using the gel to relieve inflamation from the sprain?

Don't feel foolish, I did a similar thing with my wrist about a month ago (I used to pop my wrists to relieve minor pain and over-did it on my left wrist). Had X-rays taken and everything, but it's now better. You're in good company.

Julie C said...

Just using the gel as an anti-inflammatory instead of taking Advil or ibuprofin. And the doc did look at x-rays to be sure nothing was broken - that would have been even more foolish! Thanks for making me feel better - I'm not the only one. :)

Zanne said...

So sad! As I read your post, I suddenly pictured you cracking your knuckles, going down the line...I had forgotten. I hope it heals quickly! I am glad that you at least saw the Dr. so that you are getting help and eventually relief.

MarieC said...

Ouch! I'm a knuckle-cracker, too! I'm duly warned.